ImageViewer enables you to search on a list of image files using a variety of search criteria.
With an image list open you can click More Choices to expand the criteria for your search. You can than search by both file size and comment, or filename or file type. Use the Fewer Choices button to reduce the number of search choices.To Find an Image:
- Select Find from the List menu.
- Choose your search options.
- Enter your search text (based upon search option chosen).
- Click Find.
The following search criteria can be chosen in any order to enhance your search choices.
- Name - enter the name of the file, or portion of the filename here.
- Size - enter the size of the image file when this option is chosen.
- Type - enter the file's 4-letter file type here.
- Creator - enter the file's 4-letter creator when this option is chosen.
- Date Created - enter the date to search for here.
- Date Modified - enter the date modified to search for when this option is chosen.
- Comments - enter the comment to search for here.
- Keywords - enter the keywords to search for when this option is chosen.
To add additional criteria to the search, use the More Choices control to expand the Find window and display additional search options.
To Add Criteria to the Find:
- Click the More Choices control.
- Choose criteria from the popup menus.
- Enter the new search text.
To remove the last search criteria (the last option in the window), use the Fewer Choices control to collapse the Find window.
To Remove Criteria from a Find:
- Click the Fewer Choices control.
NOTE: The results of any search appear in a new file list window.